Heavenquest: A Pilgrim's Progress
Heavenquest: A Pilgrim's Progress

Heavenquest: A Pilgrim's Progress

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Inspired by the 1678 book The Pilgrim's Progress and an imagined prequel to Bunyan's original writings, this book is based on both. People call him Vangel. He doesn't want to go on a trip, but he has to go on one when he's arrested for no reason. Vangel is hurt and lost after escaping the dark king's men. He has weird dreams and visions of a mysterious woman in white calling him from the unknown land of the North. Vangel is armed with a book called "The Record of the Ancients" that he gets from a wise sage named Elder. He goes on an adventure that takes him through dangerous mountains, endless deserts, the Lake of Doubts, and the Forest of No Return. They tell him about a good ruler and his son who are said to live in the North, but only if he can make it there and get there alive.

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