Poker After Dark is a one-hour television show on NBC that focuses on poker. The show premiered on January1, 2007 and was canceled on September23, 2011 following the conclusion of the "Black Friday" criminal case, which included key sponsor Full Tilt Poker as a defendant. Shana Hiatt hosted the show's first two seasons, which premiered in 2007. Marianela Pereyra hosted season three, and Leeann Tweeden took over for season four. Each season included narration by Oliver "Ali" Nejad. The show returned to American television on March5,2012, on the NBC Sports Network, with previously shown repeats, followed by the premiere of previously unaired season 7 episodes on June4, 2012. The show is scheduled to air on NBCSN on weeknights at midnight, though the start time varies owing to sporting event overruns.